Our much envied online web training packages continue to deliver highly focused and expert knowledge to any client using the latest online technologies. We also continue to support and train clients overseas passing on our SketchUp skills and expertise to those that clearly recognize our proven track record with SketchUp. With this, we are proud to be the first professional training business that continues to deliver the very best training packages for ONLINE one to one AND ONLINE group training events which are advertised to service 3D enthusiasts across major cities in the UK e.g London, Manchester, Bristol, Leeds, Birmingham, Newcastle, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen also Wales and Ireland. Our service to SketchUp is supported by many years of promoting and educating students, tutors, designers, engineers, and technologists from small to global leading design businesses, and anyone else who wishes to join the ever-expanding SketchUp community. Our highly recognized professional SketchUp expertise and accredited training systems continue to deliver the very best client 3D learning experience to the UK and Global based clients. We are an official International Trimble SketchUp Reseller and Authorized Training Centre in the UK supporting Architecture, Engineering, and Construction clients.

Trimble SketchUp Pro Authorized + Tailored ONLINE Training Services, save, learn in full SAFE comfort! We train professionals so we can prove it because we know! So whether you require design or detailed drawings, 3D Visualisations and rendering for your designs, look no further, We have a rich experience in professional support for digital users and for clients to receive instant feedback from drawing with instant digital versions of the hand drawing techniques. Our consultancy packages are designed in a way that brings recognized profit and success to any client’s business, and with the added advantage to build positive and enduring relationships at the same time. Straight away to feel confident engaging us to provide you excellent professional drawing and 3D modeling work. Time has proven that our consultancy services bring complete customer satisfaction by offersĢD and 3D CAD/BIM drawing and modelling services.

SEE-IT-3D are not only specialists in design software, hardware sales and professional training for United Kingdom and International Clients.